Celkový počet zobrazení stránky

pondelok 26. júna 2017

Noche de San Juan

Ahojte !

Španieli v Nitre na erazme, to už bol iný level. Bolo ich najviac a bola s nimi najväčšia sranda!
Začiatkom júna však po 9 mesiacoch opustili Nitru a každý sa vrátil do svojho mesta.
Čo však vedeli, keď opúšťali Nitru bolo, že ich kamarátstvo nezapadne len tak prachom a ďalšia stretávka bude 23.júna, na významnú noc, Fiesta de San Juan, kde pri mori stavajú ohne, skáču cez nich, spievajú, opíjajú, užívajú, zabávajú, spievajú a tancujú.

Bola som z našej veľkej partie jediná ne-španielka, ale keďže títo kamoši študovali v Nitre, nebol problém s angličtinou a tak mi to vôbec nevadilo, ba naopak. Bola som fakt šťastná, že ich konečne vidím! 

Juan a ďalší dvaja prišli na autách ku mne do Orihueli a odtiaľ sme asi 2 a pol hod išli do Denií. Tam býva ďalší náš kamoš. Tam sme nechali autá a išli jedným autom do Alicante, kde sa to všetko malo konať. A veruže konalo a veruže to bolo nezabudnuteľné !

Tak ako si užívajú Španieli, si neužíva asi žiaden národ, haha.

Je polnoc, kalamáre na stole, neskôr ohne pri pláži, tak stretnutie.so.zvyškom partie, zastávka na.parkovisku, ópium v rukách, neskôr hlavách, ľad, ryžový alkohol, alkohol z ryže, smiech, Feliz cumpleaños Noela, párty, sardinky v konzerve, svetlá, pláž, svitanie,únava, autom na cestách, otvorustadamtichrusta spáč(foto dôkaz), obíjanie hláv v aute, dobrý spánok, zastávka pri pláži, ranné plávanie, 6:30, dorazenie do domu kamoša, spánok, 14:30 prebúdzanie, raňajko-obed v reštaurácii otca nášho kamoša, 238 chodov, pražené orechy a kukurica, toast s olivovým olejom a cesnakom, zemiakový šalát, zeleninový šalát a tuniak, zmrzlinovo-ovocný pohár a ja o 10 kg ťažšia.

Od reštaurácie sme sa premiestnili na pláž, kde si Juan chcel ešte poslednýkrát zapáliť so svojimi chlapmi z erazmu, ja si povymáčkať nohy v mori s mojimi Španielkami a so všetkými sa spolu s Juanom rozlúčiť, keďže Juan sa potreboval učiť na skúšku.
Síce vietor bol nebezpečne silný, oni tam ešte zostávali a ja s Juanom sme mierili k nim domov.
 Len čo sme sa po 2 a pol hodinovej ceste vrátili, zhodili sme veci a užívali bazén, až kým sa nezotmelo.
Na druhý deň dorazili Juanove  sesternice,teta a ujo, dali sme spoločný bazénik a takto vyhladovaných nás čakala paella. Typické španielske jedlo, ale narozdiel od včerajška nie s morskými plodmi, ale s králikom.
Po obede siesta (začínam si na to zvykať), Juan ma odviezol a stanicu, kde som nasadla na vlak do Orihueli a môj super víkend definitívne skončil. Čaká ma však veľa dní v Španielsku a tak viem, že o zabávajú mám postarané už teraz ! :)

By the way, keď mi Juan s nápojom v ruke a úsmevom  povedal:,,I like party with you" :), absolútne s tým súhlasím a párty s mojim priateľom označujem ako za tie najlepšie! Vieme sa rozprávať dlhé hodiny či sme triezvy alebo nie, stále si máme čo povedať a to ma nikdy neprestane baviť. 
On ma baví úplne celý.

PS: Fotky nie sú úplne clear, ale takto to má byť. Zážitkov veľa, spomienok málo a fotiek zopár. Nemusia byť perfektné, na takéto akcie sa to ani nehodí, ukazujú presnú realitu a stále mi vyčaria úsmev na tvári a veľa spomienok.

Držte sa !

Vaša A.


Hi friends !

Spanish people in Nitra on erasmus, pff, It was a high level ! From this country it was the most people there, in Nitra and it was the best fun with them !
But on the beggining of june they left Nitra and everybody went at home.
Before they left, they knew that they will meet again at 23 of June, on Fiesta de San Juan which has a big meaning for them. They make a big fire, they jump and drink, sing, dance, smile ad enjoy.

From our a big crew only I was non- spanish chica, but because these people studied on Slovakia in english, they know english really good so it wasn´t language barrier between us. And I was so happy that I saw them again ! :) 
Juan and one spanish couple from Nitra came to me in Orihuela and then we went together on 2 cars to Denia. Our friends live there and a front of his house we left our cars and by one car we went to Alicante, where should be our Fiesta de San Juan. And it was and it was unforgettable !
How enjoy Spanish people, can´t enjoy any nation, haha.

It´s a midnight, calamares on the table, later fires on the beach, then meeting with rest of our crew, stop on the car parking, alcohol in our hands, later in our heads, ice, rice´s alcohol, alcohol from rice, laughing, Feliz cumpleaños Noela, party, couldn´t dance, the lights, a beach, daylight,  fatigue, on he way by car, sleepimg with opened mouths ( photo as a evidence), good sleeping, break on a beach, mornings swim, 6:30, arrive to house of our friend, sleeping, 14:30, waking up, breakfast-lunch at the restaurant of our friend,  238 kinds of food, roasted nuts and sweet corn,  toast with oliva oil and garlic spread, potatoe´s salad, vegetable´s salad with tuna, ice-cream and fruit as a dessert and me plus 10 kg more.
We went from a restaurant to the beach, where Juan wanted smoke the last time wuth his friends. I went to put my  foot to the sea with my friends and said Bye to everybody. We left earlier than other people, cause Juan had to study for exam.
It was really windy, but they stayed there and me with Juan went to his house and we arrived there after 2 and half hour and we only changed our clothes and went to the swimming pool :)

On the next day arrived Juan´s cousins, uncle and aunt ad we swimming together in swimming pool, it was a fun. His mother prepared paella for us, but not with seafood as one day before, but with a rabbit, it was really delicious, I like a paella a lot.
After a good lunch, siesta. It started me normal for me, haha :D We did a small nap and then Juan took  me to the train station, cause I had to go to Orihuela. I knew that It´s end of a good weekend, but I also know tat I will be here in Spain a lot of days, so It will be fun later, too :)

PS: Photos are not so clear, the same like a memories, but it´s ok, it´s right. In this kind of parties is not good has a perfect photos. These photos give you the real atmosphere. Enjoy !

By the way, When Juan told me with drink in his hand:,,I like party with you :)", I absolutely agree with him, cause parties with him are the best! we can speak a lot of hours together, doesn´t matter if we are drunk or not. We can speak all night and I will never have enought, I really like it. I always have fun with him and I will never have enough of him.


Your A. ♥


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